Hey! I'm Sammy.

I believe we are here to remember what

we truly are for an earth in transition.

And have some fun

while we do it!

You might have met me on YouTube,

in-person, or from some other wonderful corner of the universe.

Welcome – I'm so glad you're here!

Are you a highly sensitive person who experiences waves of depression, anxiety, overwhelm, and intensity? Have you tried all the modalities, healings, therapy... but they haven't quite worked?

I see you.

...As a person with incredible gifts. That are presently buried under... all of this.

Why did those modalities not work for you? What if they did work, they did take you to where you needed to get to... and now, you're ready for what comes next.

We need you, as yourself, with whatever you are working with now, because your sensitivities are just what We need, and what the planet, and our collective, needs.

Through connection, let's get our gifts going, – not later – Now. It's time.

I have two main offerings for you. The first is 1:1 guidance through your present intensities and into your power. The 2nd is community where connection actually feels nourishing and good.

Welcome to my website, dear one. Be at home here, breathe deeply with me, and follow your heart to wherever it takes you. I, and we, are here with you.

Choose your path below –

Where are you called?


1:1 Guidance: Read more about Sammy's service of support, energy, and unique "beyond healing" modality.


Connect with Community: We are creating something amazing! Get connected and feel our light grow on the planet.


Connect with Sammy: hi! Come say hi or share anything that's on your mind & heart.


Merchandise: Clothes, art, and other goods with high vibe essence! Designed by Sammy.

I'm so grateful to connect with you!

Enjoy this space, dear one.

Recent Writings

Join our community!

come get connected into the magic we are creating.



Potatoes, Chickens, and Bananas. Usually in that order.

You found the bottom of the website! Now where will you go?